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$39.95 - $54.95

CytoGreens - Optimum Performance   During physical exercise, your body creates lactate, like lactic acid, to help fuel the energy needs of your muscles. When your muscles hold too much lactic acid, it creates a burning feeling as well as feelings of tiredness. CytoGreens removes lactic acid from the muscle tissue to produce fuel for the body.   Helps muscles...

$32.95 - $58.95

ULTIMATE DAILY GREENS   A single fruit or vegetable alone cannot provide all that we need. Humans need a diverse, phytonutrient-rich diet that provides the full rainbow of colours found in vegetables and fruits. Phytonutrients are plant-based compounds that are known to play an important role in human health and offer powerful antioxidant protection.   You can’t beat Mother Nature....


True Greens™ is an all-natural super blend of phytonutrient dense plant foods that include organic chlorella, spirulina, alfalfa juice, barley grass juice, wheat grass juice and oat grass extract. True Greens™ offers a wide spectrum of concentrated fruit extracts that are well known for their high antioxidant levels. Ginkgo biloba, grape seed and green tea contribute to improved circulation, cognitive...